How to sex first time with partner

How to sex first time

Sex is a fun and exciting part of life, but it can also be scary, especially the first time. You might feel like you have to do anything, including have sex before marriage. The truth is that not having sex until after marriage protects your body from diseases like HIV/AIDS and other STDs, keeps you in good health, and makes sure that you’re ready for pregnancy. If you’re still in high school or college, talk to your parents about these issues so they can help guide you through this process!

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first time sex

Sex is a natural part of life. It’s something that happens to everyone, at some point in their life, and can be a very healthy and pleasurable experience. But what if you’re not sure how to do it?

Sex is a gift from God — so don’t worry about looking like an idiot when your partner starts taking off their clothes!


HIV is a virus that causes AIDS. It’s spread through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids or breast milk. You can’t get HIV from casual contact like shaking hands or hugging someone who has it (even if they don’t seem all that sick).

You’re probably wondering how exactly this could happen? Well…

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premarital sex

Premarital sex is when two people have sexual intercourse before they are married. It can be a sin, but it’s also illegal in some countries and states. In fact, premarital sex can lead to physical abuse or even death if you get pregnant as a result of the act—so make sure that you’re ready before having sex with somebody else!

Sex education has become more important than ever before because of the rise in teen pregnancy rates (which reached an all-time high last year). The reason why this happens is simple: we haven’t taught our kids about how babies are made yet; instead we just tell them that they need condoms when they’re around other people who aren’t their parents/family members.”

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safe sex

  • Use a condom. The most effective way to prevent the spread of STIs is by using a condom. Condoms also help reduce the risk of pregnancy and can be used with any other method of birth control you choose to use.
  • Lubricants are another important part of preventing an unplanned pregnancy and reducing friction during sex. However, if you are allergic or sensitive to spermicidal lubricants, it may be better for you not use them at all (or only when necessary). This includes both water-based and oil-based lubricants such as KY Jelly® brand products from Unilever UNAIDS campaign partners; these contain no spermicide chemicals but do contain some ingredients that could cause irritation for people with latex allergies

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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that’s caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum. It can be transmitted through direct contact with syphilis sores, which occur on the skin or mucous membranes of the penis, vagina, rectum and mouth. If left untreated for long enough, syphilis can cause serious health problems such as blindness or heart failure.

Syphilis treatment involves taking antibiotics for 10-12 weeks to kill the bacteria in your system before you start feeling better again. If you have been diagnosed with syphilis but don’t know who else has it around them (i.e., pregnant women), then it’s best advised not having sex until their symptoms disappear completely

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sex education

Sex education is about more than just biology. It’s about communication, values and attitudes, contraception and consent.

If you want to learn more about sex in a safer way that is appropriate for your age group and stage of life, then you should consider taking part in an educational programme. There are many different types of programmes available – including online ones! You can find out more here:


If you’re thinking about having a child, childbirth can be an exciting and life-changing experience. But it’s also often fraught with danger—and not just physical dangers like getting cut by a razor blade or falling down the stairs.

In fact, if your doctor tells you that she’ll need to perform an emergency C-section for whatever reason (like if the baby’s head is stuck), there are no guarantees that he’ll be able to perform one successfully. That’s why it’s so important to have confidence in him! And even if everything goes well from here on out… well… you still have those bills associated with childbirth: medical equipment costs money; formula costs money; diapers cost money…

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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a real concern. You don’t want to get one—and you definitely don’t want your partner to get one!

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help prevent STDs from spreading. These include:

  • Using a condom every time you have sex
  • Getting tested for STDs if someone in the relationship has an STD (or is at risk)

consequences of sexual intercourse

Sex can lead to pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), emotional stress and physical stress. Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sexual activity that occurs when an egg is fertilized by sperm in the vagina or womb. STDs are infections caused by viruses or bacteria that can be passed from one person to another through genital contact or oral sex. It’s also possible for someone to get an STD while having normal vaginal intercourse with no symptoms at all!

Emotional stress happens when you feel overwhelmed by what happened during your first time together; this may include feeling angry or upset about something that happened during the act itself (such as losing control of yourself) as well as thoughts about how it makes you look/feel compared with other people who’ve had sex before—or even worse yet: thinking about how much better off everyone else would be if they had never bothered learning anything about sex at all! Physical stress refers specifically here though: certain activities like anal penetration can lead directly into bleeding due only partly because there were too many people involved but mostly because we’re talking about penetrating something inside ourselves rather than just touching someone else’s body parts.”

Don’t have sex until you are married

  • Don’t have sex until you are married.Sex is a sacred thing. It’s not about getting love, attention or job skills; it’s about what your body needs to heal from all the trauma and abuse that has happened in it over time, which will definitely include some pain during sex if you’re not used to having an orgasm with someone else.


Take your time and wait until you’re married. Sex is a wonderful thing, but it can also be dangerous. It’s important that everyone knows what they are doing and how to do it safely (and hygienically). If you want to have sex before marriage, then wait until you’re married!

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